Yo how are you this unseen. This is amazing.
Yo how are you this unseen. This is amazing.
God, you are just so good at nailing expressive poses and designs. I'm jelly. You also have been posting these out so quick. I'm always happy to see them pop up in my feed. ❤️ It's inspiring.
Thank you for continuing to bring this series to Newgrounds. It's fantastic, and every time I see another painting, it's inspiring. Consider putting the journey in order with a playlist so everyone knows it's a whole story to follow!
The best part about these is there isn't really a set order.. however there are quite a few series that are meant to be together. The fun thing is.. when Im old and gone, Im sure somebody will find the perfect order to put all these in :*)
Thanks for the tutorials Lines! You are killing it with the videos!
Happy to have you here. I look forward to what you post next!
I like the play with atmospheric fog. It does just enough to place the leg behind the other.
Great composition and pose.
Hey, it's the guy from Fortnite. John Newgrounds.
This is so freaking cool. I definitely want to be in a second set.
Thank you! She looks wonderful. 🖤
Do something nice today. It's incredible to see so many people using what little time they have to create something and share it.
Whatever you do, don't give up.
Joined on 5/9/12