16 hours? Wow. This is the kind of dedication that keeps me going.
16 hours? Wow. This is the kind of dedication that keeps me going.
Thanks DeadSM and also thanks so much for becoming a patron!. I'd say that's an average for me with this type of illustrations. Considering these have several nudes and alts... It's definitely an upgrade from the time I used to spend 60 hours on a single piece lol
Can something be too pretty? The second panel is like "Arg, my eyes" and the third is like him explaining that he now has superpowers and can see forever. Good stuff.
Thank you! I wanted to capture a strong summer time feeling in these panels, like remembering summer as a kid with harsh shadows and sun beams
Do something nice today. It's incredible to see so many people using what little time they have to create something and share it.
Whatever you do, don't give up.
Joined on 5/9/12