@DeadSM Look what you did to my beautiful bois! Hell yeah, you can post it, that kicks ass! Considering how many people are scared of clowns, it's worth it alone to ruin their day with NOB. Funny that you made CNT tired since this particular character tends to be everyone's punching bag in projects outside the news room. And I especially like the detailed veins on Truth Face's big testicle head! Thanks a million!!
Hello! I'm not an artist. So it was hard to find something remotely relevant among my 594 art pieces. Maybe you could have some fun with one of these fellas- https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/53xy83457/anchormen-bbs-news
(news anchors, pretty friggin' scary if you think about it too much)
Otherwise, let me forward this on to someone...
DeadSM (Updated )
First off, you are now an artist. I hereby bestow the title and all that comes with it yadayadayada...
Second, let's get to the good. Your characters here are unique and pass the shape test when the lights are off. Overall, the colors are good, too.
What I think could be improved is pushing the differences between each character's environments. A few backgrounds could be tweaked to make them feel more polished.
Linked below, I made an "advertisement" layout for the characters so they can all be shown alongside each other. I think that this by itself is huge for presentation in a post like yours. I also included some changes to a few elements, like backgrounds.
As for spooky, I think that overly rendered characters with simple shapes feels about right. Your designs are great so it worked well!
If you are good with it I could post this and credit you for the character design. If not that's alright too!